17 Jan 07, 23:11
#15 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Moscow
Age: 37
Rep Power: 48 
Terminator 3
Arnold's UMP45 submachine gun had a Cmore sight and a custom-made buttcap to shorten it and get rid of the side-folding stock. Serial #163-001070.
Glock 18C machine pistol with 33-rd magazines, serial #DU973US.
Close up of top cutouts on barrel.
G36K that was used by Arnold firing out of the window of the military office. It had a custom buttcap and Bundeswehr double sight system. Serial #84-003809.
L6 37mm flare launcher , has Cmore sight, used by Arnold to shoot the TX, serial #L63131 & #L63130.
Glock 19 that Kate fired into Arnold's mouth; this was wired and barrel blocked for a safe special effect. Serial #ETM400 & #ETM401.
RPG7 (Chinese mfg) remade as a dummy gun. Used a Russian sight. Serial #110298.

Для того, чтобы быть красивой, женщине достаточно иметь черный свитер, черную юбку и идти под руку с мужчиной, которого она любит.