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Old 02 Sep 09, 21:51   #12 (permalink)
Զամունդացի դեմք
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My ideas from 2003 about armenian-turkey relations

Apr 30 2003, 15:50

Due to absence of any Treaty and agreement between independent Armenia and Turkey after 1991, formaly are working the Treaties between UssR and Turkey signed last time in Kars with present borders.

But this is very dangerous situation, because UssR is not anymore exists and new countires need to have even between them a new Treaties, like you can see in case of Caspian Sea, where Iran is trying to get the borders of 1940.

Same is with Turkey who don't want to have a diplomatic relations with new independent Armenia, saying that because of conflict with Azerbaidjan, but really the diplomatic relations with Armenia will bring to necessity of signing a new Treaty with a new independent state Armenia about the borders. And because for such a questions automatically comes into game the latest Treaty signed between latest goverment of independent Armenia and Turkey it will be a Sevr, because it is the last one that signed by LEGITIM GOVERMENT of INDEPENDENT ARMENIA, all other Treaties were not in game...

Present situation is more useful for Armenia, than Turkey, because it let's free Armenia in case of opportunity of having a power to put his troops on border agreed with Turkey last time- see Treaty of Sevr.

And that game is seems coming in as the world reach to situation when the appearance of Kurdistan is quiet real, because of Iraq war and if you will look on Sevr Treaty you can understand, why Turkey didn't allow US to use his territory and why he is so scaring of appearance of Kurdistan.
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Takvor [a] is right the Return of Arcakh to Armenia is not going to happen as of its legitimate owner were Russian Empire, crush of which kick the appearance of problem of Arcax. The main problem of Armenians in Arcakh were that they are asking to join the Armenia not even beeing accepted as an independent country.

But now they got the point and there will be a declaration of independent counrty of Arcakh, that the leader of international group of SCSE organization mentioned, that could happen in near futur and thi is depends only on Armenia, who were only real force, that not letting Arcakh to be independent and want to have it as his part. I am glad that in Armenia people now are not so wanting to have arcakh as one of their region, this could help to solve arcakh problem finally, declaring hima as a independent country internationaly accepted...

Of course it would be not best thing that azerbaidjan, georgia and mainly Russia like to have, becase of existance of national movements of minorities in their countries, that can accelerate the declaration of arcakh as independent state, but the main problem, Russia is moreless solved, they don't scare anymore about that north caucasus will want to run away from them.

Let's see what will be at the end of this year, when the all georgian, azerbaidjanian and russian elections of parlaments and presidents will done...

And one more point. The Treaties, the text of which are on web page of foreign ministry of Turkey Kakomaister kindly put here are saying, that from armenian side there were signaturers as I said, the guys who are EXministr of finance and former prime-ministr, it is even written in text of that treaty. Mreover the turkish side are representing the generals, comanders of eastern borders of Turkey and it is fully clear, that the Treaty is signed because of guys need to save their own lifes..

Pour l'Armenie:

M.Alexandre Khatissian, ancien Ministre-Prasident depute;. (ancient means former-voter cool.gif )

M.Abraham Kulhandanian, ex Ministre des Finances depute;.

Pour l'Turque (you can easily understand wihtout knowing so much French-voter cool.gif )

S.E.le General Kazim Karabekir Pacha, Commandant du Front Oriental.

S.E. Hamid Bey, Gouverneur General d'Erzeroum

S.E. Seleiman Nedjati Bey, depute d'Erzeroum.

I am quiet sure that the Treaty of Sevr is not placed on official web page of Foreign Ministry of Turkey wink.gif , but it not mean, that the Treaty signed and agreed with United State and border ploted by President Wilson US will not want to take into account... cool.gif

So I became even more sure that Sevr is the latest Treaty, that could be in game, when would be necessary to have the negotiation between Turkey and Armenia.

By the way, Turkey have lost his chance to put hardly the present borders asa bordwers between independent Armenia and Turkey, during previous Presidency in Armenia, when People were ready to do everything to have the peacful negotiations with Turkey. But now I could say only by words of armenian hero Vazgen Sargsyan "If turks will know, what they will have in future, they will agree what we suggest for them now"....
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