Voter, ya nazvaniya otdelov ne trogala. Most of them are just fine. A vot opisaniya k nim ne pomeshalo bi izmenit', chto bylo na pravil'nom angliyskom.
Discussions of questions of policy, parties and movements, national idea, economy - Doljno byt' Political issues, parties and movements, national idea, economics
Questions of communities. Secular gossips. - voobshe ne po-angliyski zvuchit. Community issues and social gossips.
How to be beatiful and healthy - beautiful
Photos about forumjans. Assembly of creatives and photos of all directions. -???? Our photos and not only. Creativity and variety are welcomed.
Forumjans trying to write. Classic and modern literature as well. - Our literature attempts. Classical and modern literature.
Various kitchen. - toje ne po-angliyski. World cuisines.[/QUOTE]