17 Jan 07, 23:09
#14 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Moscow
Age: 37
Rep Power: 48 
Shanghai Knights
The "Gatling" gun in Shanghai Knights was clearly NOT a Gatling. The designers for the movie envisioned a belt-fed Gatling-style gun. Bapty designed a motor-driven spinning barrel assembly, and put it onto a Browning 1919-style machine gun receiver. The one in the pictures is not the original, I believe the original was a British Aircraft Browning ANM2 .303 caliber style firearm. The firing of blanks was coordinated so that a barrel was always in line with the blank firing barrel hidden in the Browning. The motor was mounted on the left side, and the feed in the movie is opposite of the display unit. This is all mounted on a Vickers gun with the Queen's royal crest displayed.

Для того, чтобы быть красивой, женщине достаточно иметь черный свитер, черную юбку и идти под руку с мужчиной, которого она любит.