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Old 14 May 08, 02:53   #196 (permalink)
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Re: Геноцид Армян

Уважаемые Форумчане,

Несмотря на вялотекущий характер полемики по вопросу Геноцида, я все-же позволю себе еще одну заметку. Как говаривал Володя Ульянов-Ленин (перефразируя), чтобы знать действительное положение дел, надо читать вражескую прессу - каковой в данном случае является The Jewish Exponent:

Итак, перечитывая старые страницы этого дурно-пахнущего издания, я наткнулся на еще одну статью, которую я пытался понять - и не смог. Я прочитал ее несколько раз вдоль и поперек - и все равно не смог ее понять. Тогда я решил обратиться к помощи того, кто ее написал (один из редакторов The Jewish Exponent) - с просьбой раз'яснить мне, непутевому, что-же он такое хотел сказать в этой своей статье. Мое письмо приводится ниже. Ответа на него, как вы понимаете я не получил и вряд-ли когда получу...

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Subject: Genocide: there is only one truth

Dear Mr. Tobin,

There is a year passed since your controversially-sound article entitled "Choosing allies over principles" was published in the not always freshly-smelled Jewish Exponent (April 26, 2007).

I have read your article several times - and yet I could not comprehend the message you were trying to deliver since the article crescendoed with so many questions that may sound controversial yet obvious for the honest people.

Allow me, please, to elaborate on several positions of your paper.

1. Quote: "Given the current state of the Middle East .... is this really the best moment for us to be pressing the Turks about their past?"
Question: Is this article written by a Jew or by the honest person who simply cares about the truth and humanity? I deliberately oppose one to another since you clearly emphasize "us" in the above quote.

2. Quote: "Moralists may be right to pose this question as one of absolutes, but in wartime, you can't always pick and choose your allies."
Question: Wouldn't it be more appropriate to say not "moralist" but the honest people who care for humanity? What meaning are you putting in the word "you" here - perhaps, Jews?

3. Quote: "Would it be worth it to damage an alliance with Turkey just to make a point about the truth of Armenian suffering? That might makes us feel righteous, but if it leads to more deaths in the future, would it be right?"
Question: Who are "we" in the above mentioned quote? Is that the Jews or the honest people who care for humanity? Once again, it looks like "we" are not these honest people, no matter how to look at this situation since there is only one truth, and it is never gray - it is always black-and-white. Also, one can clearly read in quotes # 2 and 3 that der Zweck heiligt die Mittel - or, perhaps, you would rather prefer it in Latin: finis sanctiflcat media.

4. Quote: "Will an Armenian genocide resolution help us defend Israel against the threat of, say, an Iranian attempt at nuclear genocide better than a friendly Turkey?"
Question: once again, who are these mysterious "us"? I presume you are an American Jew. Are you talking about you, Americans or you, Israelites - because these "us" are certainly not the people one can trust since these are the people who will stub a knife in a back of a neighbor for the sake of their national interests - this is exactly how these "us" sound.

You are undoubtedly a very gifted journalist. Your article is full of a snake's venom: it looks as if it is asking some crucial questions, yet the way these questions are shaped, suggests the answer - the only answer that suits these "we" and "us" but not the honest people who care for humanity, and certainly not those whose families were slaughtered by the Turkish military machine.

In the beginning of my letter, I mentioned that the Jewish Exponent is a newspaper that does not always smell fresh. Your supposedly "open question" article was echoed by yet another one of a similar taste, published on August 30, 2007 (Ghosts of Armenia haunt ethnic relationship).

Finally, the medical professor of the University of Michigan, Ariel (aka Lev) Barkan wrote a letter which was grabbed with joy by the editors of the Jewish Exponent and published immediately. This letter was entitled "Armenian Tale of Turkish Genocide Simply Untrue" :

I have no intention to go through all exquisitely-cynical passages of this chauvinistic doctor of medicine who suddenly identified himself as the most knowledgeable and trusted scholar of history. To put it short, according to this medical historian, there was no Genocide - at all, end of story! Armenians are all evil outlaws who were lawfully killed by the Turks when it was necessary!

This medical historian has no shame. People who question honesty and historical truth have no shame. These people have no heart. Perhaps, if to follow all these barkans, we should say that there was no Holocaust and the Nazi regime was simply conducting "ethnic cleansing" - whenever it was necessary?

Poor thing Mel Gibson was punished severely for opening his drunk mouth and allegedly saying something that did not please the Jewish ear. Medical professor Barkan thought it through, wrote and sent to the Jewish newspaper - and his horrifying letter was published - no consequences! Is that because he is one of these "us"?

If to continue, perhaps the execution of the orchestrators of the Munich manslaughter was an act of heroism, and the extermination of those who were in charge of the Armenian Genocide was simply an act of unjust terror?

You see, how one can easily twist the truth... .

Mr. Tobin, there is no such thing as a "Jewish truth". There is only one truth. The rest are just dirty political games where anything goes and the winner is never punished.

As for the medical historian chauvinist Barkan and all these "us" - do visit the petition site:
and read the comments from the people whose families suffered from the Genocide. If these letters will put no tear on your eye - you are one of these "us".

Princeton, NJ

P.S. May 19 is the day when the Genocide of Greeks slaughtered by the Turkish regime is always commemorated. I guess Greece is not on the Jewish agenda - otherwise we would certainly see more articles telling us about these Greeks being just outlaws who were exterminated by the government to protect justice... .

P.P.S. I wrote several times to the Jewish Exponent, demanding to remove this outrageous letter by Barkan - you can guess what kind or response I received.
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