Originally Posted by Unique
Недавно голливудская тусовщица Хлое Кардиашиян (Khloe Kardashian) присоединилась к когорте людей, выступающих за этичное отношение к животным, которые согласились предоставить организации PETA свое лицо и обнаженное тело — приняла участие в рекламной кампании с известным слоганом «Мех? Да я лучше буду ходить голой».
mda, niche
She had a DUI Incident (Vozhdenie v netrezvom sostoyanii):
As documented on "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on the November 12, 2007 episode entitled "Remembering Dad,"[6] Kardashian was arrested for driving under the influence.[4] The show did not capture the actual incident, but was a reenactment.[7] The show suggested that Kardashian's actions were the result of her difficulties coping with the anniversary of her father's death.[8]
On July 18, 2008, Kardashian reported to jail to serve time for her DUI incident. She faced a sentence of up to 30 days and enrollment in an alcohol treatment program within three weeks of her release from prison. She was released from jail less than three hours later due to overcrowding.[9]
Kak govorit'sya tut, ona dolzna bila sidet' v tur'me do 30 dnej, no eyo otpustili cherez 2-3 chasa
iz-za nehvatki mesta v tyur'me