02 Feb 07, 22:39
#2 (permalink)
Rep Power: 46
(PART 2: FROM 1918 TO 1989)
Claims to the Armenian lands.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 put an end to czarist administrative division of Caucasus. In March of 1918, the Armenian, Georgian and Moslem leaders of Caucasus united to form an independent multiethnic Transcaucasian Confederation. The Confederation was, however, shortly dissolved, due to strong divergences between the tree peoples. The complete evacuation of Russian armies left the entire region defenseless in the face of the Turkish aggression.
On May 27, the Moslem deputies of the Confederation proclaimed a Musavatist Republic of Azerbaijan. The new Turkish state immediately laid claims to the entire territory of the former Elizavetopol Guberniya. Nun Pasha, commander of Ottoman forces, made an ultimatum to the Armenians of Karabakh to submit to Azerbaijan. In August, the Congress of Armenians of Karabakh unanimously rejected the ultimatum.
Бог мой, как велико созвездие храбрецов на небосклоне нашей истории.
И как ослепительно их сияние. Увенчаны все, у всех есть шрамы славы.
В зрачках у них молнии, гнев, горечь.
Не осталось, почти не осталось в мире рода, который бы не узнал силу нашей руки.
Г. Нждеh
Judica, Domine, nocentes me: expugna impugnantes me.
Confundantur et revereantur quaerentes animam meam.