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Old 13 Nov 09, 15:25   #10 (permalink)
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Պատասխանը: Re: NO to armenian-turkey protocols НЕТ армяно-турецким протоколам ՈՉ հայ-թուրքական արձանագրություններին

Originally Posted by XAKEP View Post
I don't see anything about commission to investigate the 1915 in the text of the protocols.
Sure there is nothing directly written about genocide or 1915.

But problem is, it is unclear what means - the sub-commission on the historical dimension to implement a dialogue with the aim of restore mutual confidence between the two nations, including and impartial scientific examination of the historical records and archives to define existing problems and formulate recommendations, in which Armenian, Turkish as well as Swiss and other international experts shall take part.

The problem is interpretations.

Stupidity of our diplomats is officially sign such a protocol about "roadmap", which contains unclear points. If you look, there are many sub-commissions listed, but no one have extra long explanation like for the historical.

This mean, other commissions are self-evident and need not any description. It is usual, that for establishing any diplomatic relations some inter-governmental commissions must be build to work. But this need not to be officially signed and presented to all the worlds.

Turks just used the chance and have made from a technical intergovernmental commissions a big profit for them, representing it as important point to be signed in swiss, with presence of many officials of USA, EU, RUSSIA.... They make from internal problem a big deal, which means it is for outside and not for armenia-turkey internal use.

The protocols are simple trade agreement - I give you open border you give me historical commission and everything else is to dupe.

This shitty trade, border to Europe in exchange to historical commission, was already years in diplomatic discussions. There were answer of Erdogan already to time of Kocharyan, when Oskanian asking to start relations was, let's stop genocide recognition and make a historians decide what happen in 1915. Why they put this all into protocols and signed?!

They try with this protocols hide the real problem, armenia stopping recognition of genocide and getting open border.
This is shame on us - it is like everybody knows, who were guilty and who ordered shooting people on 1 March, but "official commissions" need to explaining - "who was guilty".

As I mentioned couple times - it is dangerous to signs a contract, say buying a cellphone, auto, getting credit or a house, without checking all text written with small letters. When something happen all that small written text becoming important and could result to big probles.

Before putting signature, one need to care about that, as less text as possible is included in contract.

Seems our guys didn't have enough experience with singing contracts or don't care....

Unfortunately, I am in opinion - they don't care for consequences as of it falls on shoulders of Armenian nation, they need their one moment-profit, like the stupid dashnaks who put their signature on Dezember 1920 under Alexandropol Contract instead of self-sacrifice.
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