08 May 10, 03:12
#1098 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: U.S.A.
Rep Power: 23 
Re: For JESUS Bible citations Цитаты из библии Մեջբերումներ Աստվածաշնչից
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
37 Some, however, said: - Will he, who opened the eyes of the blind, could not make this man die?
38 Jesus, sad, went to the tomb. The tomb was a cave, to the entrance of which was rolled a stone.
39 - Take away the stone - ordered On.Marfa, sister of the deceased, said: - Lord, but they've already stench, Lazarus four days as the grave.
40 Then Jesus said: - Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see God's glory?
41 stone removed. Then Jesus looked up and said: - Father, I thank you for what you can hear me.
42 I know that You always hear me, but I said it for the sake of those standing here, that they may believe that thou hast sent me. "
43 Having said this, Jesus called loudly: - Lazarus, come out!
44 The dead man came out. His hands and feet were tied with the burial cloths, and his face with a handkerchief closed .- Untie him, that he could go - Jesus said.
Conspiracy of religious leaders
45 Many of the Jews who came to visit Mary and saw what Jesus did, believed in Him.
46 But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them everything.
47 Now the chief priests and the Pharisees then convened a council .- What do we do? - They asked. - This person performs many miracles.
48 If we allow it to continue, everyone will believe in Him, and then the Romans will come and destroy and our temple and our nation.
49 Caiaphas, one of them, who that year was the high priest, said: - You do not understand!
50 You can not understand that it is better that one man die for the people than would have died all the people.
51 He said this not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for the people
52 and not only for the Jewish people, but for the fact that the scattered children of God everywhere to gather together.
53 From that day on they began to think how to kill Jesus.
54 And Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jews. He went to the area, located near the desert town of Ephraim. There he was with his disciples.
55 approaching the Jewish holiday of Passover, and many residents came to Jerusalem for the ritual cleansing before Easter.
56 They were looking for Jesus in the temple and asked each other: - Do you think it possible that he will not come on holiday?
57 The chief priests and Pharisees had ordered that if anyone proznaet, where Jesus, I must tell them that they could arrest him.
Дух один и тело одно так же, как и одна надежда, к которой вы были призваны.
Один Господь, одна вера, одно крещение,
6 один Бог и Отец всех. Он стоит надо всем и действует через всё и во всём.