Originally Posted by wilyem
Please forgive I mean no disrespect...but I have posted photos several months and always pictures appear not blue words in description.  If there is a technical problem I will abstain from posting until it is corrected.
Пожалуйста простите, я не подразумеваю непочтительность..., но я послал фотографии в течение 12 месяцев, и всегда картины не синие слова.  Если будет техническая проблема, то я воздержусь от помещающих картин, в то время как она будет исправлена. 
I will check if there is some technical problem. All what I could see the attachment number 16915 doesn't exist in system seems it wasn't uploaded properly or deleted, for whatever reasons.
Try to reload the picture and if the problem repeats let me know exact date time when you did upload, that I could localize what's going on on system.