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Old 30 Aug 10, 21:12   #18 (permalink)
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Re: Дельфины в опасности...

Originally Posted by wilyem View Post
Japan slaughters thousands of dolphins again

Despite protests from international environmental organizations Japanese fishermen slaughter, with government approval before they are currently thousands of dolphins off coast. The annual hunt are between 16 000 and more than 20 000 animals for sacrifice.

A portion of meat of the tapped with spears, hooks and knives entered the trade small cetaceans. Animal rights activists now propose alarm: "The dolphin meat is" highly quecksilberverseucht, the dolphin protectors Richard O'Barry warned on Monday in Tokyo. It was a "scandal" that the Japanese government of the people the carnage and the extreme toxicity conceal.

In the whaling town of Taiji, about 700 kilometers south of Tokyo, with the aid of dolphin trainers are in a lagoon some particularly beautiful dolphins to aquariums and dolphin in the arias selected from around the world and sold for much money. The remainder will be tapped in a screened neighboring bay. The Dolphinarium booming industry offering only the financial incentive to keep the brutal hunts in Taiji launched, O'Barry complained in an interview with Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. The American was "in the 60's coach of the Dolphins for the TV series" Flipper, since 1970, he fought actively for the worldwide protection of marine mammals.

For up to $ 200,000 (€ 150,000), the Dolphins traded, according to O'Barry. He had heard that the next delivery is to go to Germany to dolphins, the dolphin conservationists said on the day before his departure for Taiji. He invited the World Association of Zoos and Aquaria (Waza), based in Bern, Switzerland, to oversee the member organizations and to prevent them to participate in the trade with the savage in the hunt in Taiji trapped animals. Without this demand, the hunt would collapse.
bleib mal cool...
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