Re: Re-arrangment of Oligarchs Очередная делёшка имущества или возможный план "разбират" с олигархами в Армении
"ArmArmy88 :
Sadly, this news gives ammo to all the Armenian haters out there. News flash to Armenian haters: ONE Jew - Bernie Madoff - committed a $50 BILLION fraud. Look at all the criminals at our banks who are raping this country by borrowing at 0% from the Fed, lending the money to the Treasury, and then having the Treasury pay them interest with money the Treasury borrows from the Fed. And you wonder why your groceries cost a lot more than they used to.... Who is raping this country again?"
"arakhachatran 23 hours ago 6 :
@ArmArmy88 u cant say anything about Jews. They are classy people, they do not bother with low class deals as billing Medicare...they rob the Wall Street and the government, print money as much as they want in Fed Reserve and kill American soldiers for Israeli interest everywhere in Iraq, Afghanistan Yugoslavia etc. Armenians are too low to compare with them. It is a great skill to do everything by others' hands"