The State of Rhode Island House and Senate Legislatures unanimously passed resolutions recognizing April 24 as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. For decades, these chambers have stood for truth and justice and reaffirmed to their Armenian-American constituents, as well as the State of Rhode Island, that until the U.S. government recognizes the Armenian Genocide, Rhode Island will remain steadfast and continue to recognize, remember, and urge the President to acknowledge that Turkey committed this crime.

The State of Rhode Island House and Senate Legislatures unanimously passed resolutions recognizing April 24 as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.
On Thurs., April 14, State Rep. Katherine Kazarian (East Providence Dist. 63) and State Rep. J. Aaron Regunberg (Providence Dist. 4) introduced the bill, which passed unanimously. »
Der Kapriel Nazarian of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church of Providence gave the opening prayer. Guests in the chambers represented the Armenian churches and organizations of Rhode Island. Members of the community on the floor included
Unger Hagop Donoyan (Armenian Revolutionary Federation/ARF),
Ungeruhi Ani Haroian (Armenian National Committee/ANC),
Unger Andrew Bagdasarian (Armenian Youth Federation/AYF),
Ungeruhi Pauline Getzoyan (Armenian Relief Society/ARS),
Unger Alex Sahagian, Mr. Malcolm Varadian, Miss Joyce Avedisian, chairwoman of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Apostolic Church, and Michelle Kazarian, also of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church.
The Homenetmen Providence scouts presented the flags.
Following the week of legislative recess, on Thurs., April 28, the State Senate followed suit led by long-time supporter and a great friend of the Armenian community, Senator Hanna Gallo (Cranston Dist. 27). Senator Gallo has been sponsoring this resolution for ten years and has supported all ANC initiatives at the State Legislature.
The tricolor was hanging in both chambers during these proceedings.
The State of Rhode Island House and Senate Legislatures unanimously passed resolutions recognizing April 24 as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. For decades, these chambers have stood for truth and justice and reaffirmed to their Armenian-American constituents, as well as the State of Rhode Island, that until the U.S. government recognizes the Armenian Genocide, Rhode Island will remain steadfast and continue to recognize, remember, and urge the President to acknowledge that Turkey committed this crime. The State of Rhode Island House and Senate Legislatures unanimously passed resolutions recognizing April 24 as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. On Thurs., April 14, State Rep. Katherine Kazarian (East Providence Dist. 63) and State Rep. J. Aaron Regunberg (Providence Dist. 4) introduced the bill, which passed unanimously. »Der Kapriel Nazarian of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church of Providence gave the opening prayer. Guests in the chambers represented the Armenian churches and organizations of Rhode Island. Members of the community on the floor included Unger Hagop Donoyan (Armenian Revolutionary Federation/ARF), Ungeruhi Ani Haroian (Armenian National Committee/ANC), Unger Andrew Bagdasarian (Armenian Youth Federation/AYF), Ungeruhi Pauline Getzoyan (Armenian Relief Society/ARS), Unger Alex Sahagian, Mr. Malcolm Varadian, Miss Joyce Avedisian, chairwoman of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Apostolic Church, and [...]
The State of Rhode Island House and Senate Legislatures unanimously passed resolutions recognizing April 24 as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. For decades, these chambers have stood for truth and justice and reaffirmed to their Armenian-American constituents, as well as the State of Rhode Island, that until the U.S. government recognizes the Armenian Genocide, Rhode Island will remain steadfast and continue to recognize, remember, and urge the President to acknowledge that Turkey committed this crime. The State of Rhode Island House and Senate Legislatures unanimously passed resolutions recognizing April 24 as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. On Thurs., April 14, State Rep. Katherine Kazarian (East Providence Dist. 63) and State Rep. J. Aaron Regunberg (Providence Dist. 4) introduced the bill, which passed unanimously. »Der Kapriel Nazarian of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church of Providence gave the opening prayer. Guests in the chambers represented the Armenian churches and organizations of Rhode Island. Members of the community on the floor included Unger Hagop Donoyan (Armenian Revolutionary Federation/ARF), Ungeruhi Ani Haroian (Armenian National Committee/ANC), Unger Andrew Bagdasarian (Armenian Youth Federation/AYF), Ungeruhi Pauline Getzoyan (Armenian Relief Society/ARS), Unger Alex Sahagian, Mr. Malcolm Varadian, Miss Joyce Avedisian, chairwoman of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Apostolic Church, and [...]