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Old 02 Jun 16, 17:32   #1 (permalink)
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Post Dearborn St. Sarkis Fellowship Club

There’s a song that rings out “You’re never too young or too old,” and under the circumstances, those lyrics are quite appropriate.

The fellowship club of the St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Dearborn, Michigan, seeks to bolster membership to continue its valued service to the community.

St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Dearborn, Michigan

Membership only requires a little work on the part of a member, such as helping out at the annual Blessing of the Grapes picnic, or hosting interesting lectures, and can be as rewarding as a bus trips to casinos, summertime club picnics, trips to Holland, Michigan for the Tulip Festival, or a trip to a cider mill for a colorful, spectacular treat of cider and donuts. There is fun to be had, leaving the driving to the bus driver as you gaze out the window taking in “Pure Michigan,” or just taking a relaxing snooze.

Armenians have always risen to the need to causes and events that constantly require their attention and financial support and manpower. Donation envelopes for worthy causes are not strangers to their mail boxes.

The Fellowship Club promises to not leave a dent in your pocketbook; membership dues are $10 annually. This is an opportunity to serve the church, have community camaraderie and fellowship.

The St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church Fellowship Club is actively seeking to increase its membership and is reaching out to you to join this congenial group. The church is the anchor of the Armenian community established by the survivor generation. It is where marriages, baptisms, hokehankists, dan garks, funerals, and various Armenian celebrations take place. It must succeed, to be a footnote in our Armenian history.

The Fellowship Club started out as the Mr. and Mrs. Club, but in fairness to surviving spouses, it became more serviceable to the church community welcoming everyone to join regardless of marital status.

There is strength in numbers; you can help this worthy Christian faith-based organization. By joining, you are not only performing a noble service to the perpetuation of the legacy of your heritage. In addition, you’ll be stimulated by new friendships and activities shaped for your personal enjoyment.

The group meets every even month on the third Thursdays of those months, at 12 p.m. Meetings have been followed by deliciously prepared dinners; but it was decided to switch to the service of a caterer. Occasionally, meetings are held after church on Sundays when speakers are invited. Afterwards the fine art of playing Scambile is available to novice and experienced card players. Scambile was a favored card game played by the survivor generation and you too can thump the card table as hard as possible like they did. You too can learn the secret eye and facial winks and contortions to alert your partner.

It should never become tiresome or repetitive to hear about this card game played as a reminder of our painful history. It’s up to succeeding generations of people, whether members of St. Sarkis Church or not, to rise to the occasion, to carry on the traditions and responsibilities as did the generation that settled here post 1915.

The club has an Executive Board and meetings consist of an agenda any organization would have. Adjournment is followed by dinner, camaraderie and a Scambile card game. Meetings are held in the Lillian Arakelian Fellowship Hall adjoining the church located on Ford Road.

In far too many cases, 2nd and 3rd and following generations have no recall of where their ancestors were from. The names of these cities, villages, and counties are lost to so many. Come back to your church home; it is after all supposed to be your family too. It could help you discover missing links to your past.

When you are asked by someone, “Where are your ancestors from?” or perhaps a physician asks, “What did your grandparents die from?” doesn’t it distress you to have to say, “I don’t know. They died in the Armenian genocide.” It doesn’t take a genius to realize Armenian faith and traditions shouldn’t perish as the Ottoman Turks wanted.

A great deal is owed to the survivor generation. Their sacrifice gave us churches, community centers, and organizations. We survived these thousands of years as a small nation because we come from Haik, Sourp Gregory, Mesrob Mashdots, King Tiridates, and Khrimian Hayrig.

Lord Byron (1788-1824), born in England, travelled the continent which included a stop for some months in Venice, the home of the Mekhitarist Congregation of Armenian monks, where he attempted to learn the Armenian language. There, at San Lazzaro, a room is dedicated to Lord Byron, where he collaborated with the monks in publishing a grammar of English and Armenian as well as translating some works. Lord Byron took an active interest in things Armenian.

Do you have room in your heart to perpetuate something Armenian as represented by the St. Sarkis fellowship club?

Revelation 22:12: “Then Jesus said to me, ‘When I come, I will come quickly, and I will reward everyone for what he has done.’”

There’s a song that rings out “You’re never too young or too old,” and under the circumstances, those lyrics are quite appropriate. The fellowship club of the St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Dearborn, Michigan, seeks to bolster membership to continue its valued service to the community. St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Dearborn, Michigan Membership only requires a little work on the part of a member, such as helping out at the annual Blessing of the Grapes picnic, or hosting interesting lectures, and can be as rewarding as a bus trips to casinos, summertime club picnics, trips to Holland, Michigan for the Tulip Festival, or a trip to a cider mill for a colorful, spectacular treat of cider and donuts. There is fun to be had, leaving the driving to the bus driver as you gaze out the window taking in “Pure Michigan,” or just taking a relaxing snooze. Armenians have always risen to the need to causes and events that constantly require their attention and financial support and manpower. Donation envelopes for worthy causes are not strangers to their mail boxes. The Fellowship Club promises to not leave a dent in your pocketbook; membership dues are $10 annually. This is [...]
There’s a song that rings out “You’re never too young or too old,” and under the circumstances, those lyrics are quite appropriate. The fellowship club of the St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Dearborn, Michigan, seeks to bolster membership to continue its valued service to the community. St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Dearborn, Michigan Membership only requires a little work on the part of a member, such as helping out at the annual Blessing of the Grapes picnic, or hosting interesting lectures, and can be as rewarding as a bus trips to casinos, summertime club picnics, trips to Holland, Michigan for the Tulip Festival, or a trip to a cider mill for a colorful, spectacular treat of cider and donuts. There is fun to be had, leaving the driving to the bus driver as you gaze out the window taking in “Pure Michigan,” or just taking a relaxing snooze. Armenians have always risen to the need to causes and events that constantly require their attention and financial support and manpower. Donation envelopes for worthy causes are not strangers to their mail boxes. The Fellowship Club promises to not leave a dent in your pocketbook; membership dues are $10 annually. This is [...]
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