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Old 08 May 07, 17:10   #231 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by arzamas-16 View Post
2 Кодак

ok aweli hetaqrqir exaw uremn aveli law khaskanas

orinak du qez wonc kzgas wor imanas wor qo kin@
michw qo het amusnanal@
urishi het qnela du da wonc kntunes yete imanas wor michew qo hat amusnanal@
saxor urishneri het disko miskok shat chmanranam
u verjum qo hat amusnanuma u du da imanum es

du da vonc kntunes yete oreric mior canaknum es knochet het SEX ov zbaxwes baic qo kin@
Bavakanutiun chi stanum qezanic worov hetew michew qo het linel@ SATERINA tesel u du iran ches bavararum

mi asacwacq ka che
arachin@ micht Anusha linum
Arachin@ misht yurahatuka linum u ankrkneli

inchem uzuma sem
mer hay axchikneri mej ka u pti lini eit dastirakutiun@ kusucian@ vereberial

chgitem qani tarekn es u chgitem te du inchow e smtatum u es amen@ artahaitwum mer hay axchikner weraberial
inchewe du sxl es mtatum u qez xorurd qo mtatat@ pahi qo mej u mi porci mnacatin apacusec kam ases wor du &ishtes mtatum
me rmot hayeri mej chka u chi el lini et haskacoxutiun@ wor hay axchik@ michew amusnanal@ petqe lini kuis u atachin@ ira amusnun trwi da ya &ISHT@

dranic esian &isht chka karam yes qez 10000000000 orinakner beram te inchu peta et zew lini

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