A new book highlighting various aspects of Armenian history and culture has just been published as an initiative of the 100 Years, 100 Facts Project.
Impact of an Ancient Nation: Bridging the Past, Present, and Future with 100+ Facts about Armenia and Armenians by Lena Maranian Adishian and Nareg Seferian is a follow-up to the hugely successful year-long online educational initiative that the pair ran to mark the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide last year.

A new book highlighting various aspects of Armenian history and culture has just been published as an initiative of the 100 Years, 100 Facts Project.
“Our thinking as we laid the groundwork for our project was: How do we share our rich legacy as Armenians with a worldwide diaspora—and with the world at large—in a powerful way during the Genocide Centennial? To reach the widest audience, we featured our educational series online through our website and social media platforms. But now, a year later, we decided it was time for a printed, commemorative book—something that lasts in a different way, a medium that can be shared across individuals and generations in what we hope will be meaningful and, well, impactful,” Adishian said.
Impact of an Ancient Nation by Lena Maranian Adishian and Nareg Seferian is a follow-up to the hugely successful year-long online educational initiative that the pair ran to mark the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide last year.
Impact of an Ancient Nation includes updated and revised versions of the 100 facts published on the project’s website. In addition, there are five bonus facts researched and written just for the book. The facts cover Armenian history, including entries on the Armenian Genocide, as well as profiles of Armenian Diaspora communities around the world, famous Armenians, music and dance, religion and language, and even sports and entertainment.
Impact of an Ancient Nation includes updated and revised versions of the 100 facts published on the project’s website.
“Lena and I really wanted to put together a work that showcases the depth and breadth of the Armenian experience. Certainly, we cover the Armenian Genocide as the major turning point in modern times, but we also highlight many other notable aspects to Armenian history and culture that are worth knowing about, celebrating, and sharing. We hope this book makes its way into households and schools and libraries and classrooms, whether being perused by Armenians or non-Armenians,” Seferian said.
Impact of an Ancient Nation is an excellent educational resource—as a family reference book, Sunday school library addition, a commemorative gift to odar friends, or as a way to share the Armenian heritage with a new generation of children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces, cousins, and community members.
Impact of an Ancient Nation»is an excellent educational resource—as a family reference book,»Sunday»school library addition, a commemorative gift to
odar»friends, or as a way to share the Armenian heritage with a new generation of children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces, cousins, and community members. The page-long facts serve as a great overview of a particular aspect of Armenian history and culture, with resources for further research available in the book’s reference section.

The book is a not-for-profit publication made possible with the generous support of the Arshag and Eleanor Dickranian Foundation (Los Angeles) and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon).
The book is a not-for-profit publication made possible with the generous support of the Arshag and Eleanor Dickranian Foundation (Los Angeles) and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon).
Impact of an Ancient Nation»was designed by Harut Genjoyan of AlphaGraph LLC and features images by Armen Arakelyan and Aram Jibilian.
Impact of an Ancient Nation is available through the online store at 100years100facts.com.
Impact of an Ancient Nation is available through the online store at 100years100facts.com.
The 100 Years, 100 Facts Project ran from April 24, 2014 to April 24, 2015 in 6 languages and received more than 150,000 visitors from over 120 countries and all 50 of the United States, garnering thousands of followers through social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Reddit.
A new book highlighting various aspects of Armenian history and culture has just been published as an initiative of the 100 Years, 100 Facts Project. Impact of an Ancient Nation: Bridging the Past, Present, and Future with 100+ Facts about Armenia and Armenians by Lena Maranian Adishian and Nareg Seferian is a follow-up to the hugely successful year-long online educational initiative that the pair ran to mark the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide last year. A new book highlighting various aspects of Armenian history and culture has just been published as an initiative of the 100 Years, 100 Facts Project. “Our thinking as we laid the groundwork for our project was: How do we share our rich legacy as Armenians with a worldwide diaspora—and with the world at large—in a powerful way during the Genocide Centennial? To reach the widest audience, we featured our educational series online through our website and social media platforms. But now, a year later, we decided it was time for a printed, commemorative book—something that lasts in a different way, a medium that can be shared across individuals and generations in what we hope will be meaningful and, well, impactful,” Adishian said. Impact of an [...]
A new book highlighting various aspects of Armenian history and culture has just been published as an initiative of the 100 Years, 100 Facts Project. Impact of an Ancient Nation: Bridging the Past, Present, and Future with 100+ Facts about Armenia and Armenians by Lena Maranian Adishian and Nareg Seferian is a follow-up to the hugely successful year-long online educational initiative that the pair ran to mark the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide last year. A new book highlighting various aspects of Armenian history and culture has just been published as an initiative of the 100 Years, 100 Facts Project. “Our thinking as we laid the groundwork for our project was: How do we share our rich legacy as Armenians with a worldwide diaspora—and with the world at large—in a powerful way during the Genocide Centennial? To reach the widest audience, we featured our educational series online through our website and social media platforms. But now, a year later, we decided it was time for a printed, commemorative book—something that lasts in a different way, a medium that can be shared across individuals and generations in what we hope will be meaningful and, well, impactful,” Adishian said. Impact of an [...]