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200 Join ARF Ranks in Yerevan on NKR?s 25th Anniversary

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Old 03 Sep 16, 18:03   #1 (permalink)
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Post 200 Join ARF Ranks in Yerevan on NKR?s 25th Anniversary

YEREVAN (A.W.)—A group of 200 people joined the ranks of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) at a public celebration of the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic (Artsakh/NKR) at Yerevan’s State Opera Theater on Sept. 2.

A group of 200 people joined the ranks of the ARF on Sept. 2

ARF Bureau member and director the ARF Central Hai Tahd Office Giro Manoyan administered the oath to the new members. In his address, Manoyan announced that the rumors about the ARF’s declining membership are false and that the party’s membership has grown by ten per cent in the past few months.

ARF Bureau member and director the ARF Central Hai Tahd Office Giro Manoyan administered the oath to the new members.

Representatives of the ARF Bureau, ARF Supreme Council, Ministers, regional governors, parliamentarians, government officials, as well as party members and supporters, were present at the event, which began with an observance of a moment of silence for the victims of the large-scale attack launched on NKR servicemen and civilians by Azerbaijan in early April.

NKR President Bako Sahakyan welcomed the audience with a special video message. ARF Bureau member and head of the party’s political affairs Armen Rustamyan also addressed the crowd.

YEREVAN (A.W.)—A group of 200 people joined the ranks of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) at a public celebration of the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic (Artsakh/NKR) at Yerevan’s State Opera Theater on Sept. 2. A group of 200 people joined the ranks of the ARF on Sept. 2 ARF Bureau member and director the ARF Central Hai Tahd Office Giro Manoyan administered the oath to the new members. In his address, Manoyan announced that the rumors about the ARF’s declining membership are false and that the party’s membership has grown by ten per cent in the past few months. ARF Bureau member and director the ARF Central Hai Tahd Office Giro Manoyan administered the oath to the new members. Representatives of the ARF Bureau, ARF Supreme Council, Ministers, regional governors, parliamentarians, government officials, as well as party members and supporters, were present at the event, which began with an observance of a moment of silence for the victims of the large-scale attack launched on NKR servicemen and civilians by Azerbaijan in early April. NKR President Bako Sahakyan welcomed the audience with a special video message. ARF Bureau member and head of the party’s political affairs [...]
YEREVAN (A.W.)—A group of 200 people joined the ranks of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) at a public celebration of the 25th anniversary of the independence of the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic (Artsakh/NKR) at Yerevan’s State Opera Theater on Sept. 2. A group of 200 people joined the ranks of the ARF on Sept. 2 ARF Bureau member and director the ARF Central Hai Tahd Office Giro Manoyan administered the oath to the new members. In his address, Manoyan announced that the rumors about the ARF’s declining membership are false and that the party’s membership has grown by ten per cent in the past few months. ARF Bureau member and director the ARF Central Hai Tahd Office Giro Manoyan administered the oath to the new members. Representatives of the ARF Bureau, ARF Supreme Council, Ministers, regional governors, parliamentarians, government officials, as well as party members and supporters, were present at the event, which began with an observance of a moment of silence for the victims of the large-scale attack launched on NKR servicemen and civilians by Azerbaijan in early April. NKR President Bako Sahakyan welcomed the audience with a special video message. ARF Bureau member and head of the party’s political affairs [...]
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