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Conversation Between Forget-me-not and wilyem
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. wilyem
    16 Feb 10 19:49 - permalink
    Hi Forget!! I hope you are well? Are you still in N.Y.?
  2. Forget-me-not
    15 Jan 09 22:26 - permalink
    Of course, write in English. Frankly speaking, I imagined NY better than it appeared to be. It's too narrow and dull, to my mind, but there are lots of interesting things, and I still haven't seen a lot But I like studying in the U.S., though at first it was a kind of weird. I'm going to join University radio station this semester and see what's going to be with my radio experience How do you like living in Alabama?
  3. Forget-me-not
    14 Jan 09 21:16 - permalink
    I used to live in the Ukraine and moved to the US this fall. I was working in broadcast media, on TV. Now I'm thinking of what exactly I want to do after graduation... From one side I want to continue working on TV, but I'm also interested in a lot of other things like media management, or mobile TV, or web TV and radio... Besides, I'm not very eager to work in news production, that's crazy thing to my mind Did you work in broadcast industry? Did you live in Israel or just went there to make documentary?
  4. Forget-me-not
    14 Jan 09 08:55 - permalink
    I also have degree in journalism and now do graduate degree in Media Studies in New York. Where are you from?

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